Able Care Trust is making all the efforts to keep people safe against COVID-19 by being equipped and supporting our front line wellbeing assistants working with Service Users.
We are following government guidelines in respond to COVID-19.
While we have some members of our office team working from home, our frontline Wellbeing assistant work directly with Service Users in line with government guidelines.
At the moment, there is no disruption in our service as a result of COVID-19. Communication with our office, continue to be made through telephone and emails as usual.
Although there is no recruitment at the moment, all our current staff have been given training with respect to COVID-19 in line with government guidelines. We have embraced virtual training for our current Wellbeing assistant without compromising quality.
In addition to putting in place procedures for avoiding risk of infection, we have made available to our Wellbeing assistants, face mask, gloves, hand sanitizer gel and other personal protective equipment.
To read more about Coronavirus (COVID-19) please click here.
To read more about our Business Contingency and Emergency Planning please click here.